The PERMA Model
I would like to share the perma model with you today.
This is from Professor Seligman he is the voice of positive Psychology.
This is a fantastic Acronym to live by.
As you take time out of our busy modern lives to really get to know ourselves. Practicing mindfulness and spending more time in nature this goes hand in hand. Implementing this on a daily basis for me has proven to be a very useful tool in creating self-worth and empowerment. Not only will this benefit your well-being but will give you a sense of purpose and challenge us to achieve our true potential.
The PERMA Model
Positive Emotion- The ability to remain optimistic for the past, present and future. This creates a sense of happiness and overall well-being. By being positive has a lot of benefits including: body mind and overall well-being.
Engagement- As humans we need to be involved and engaged, it helps us stay in the present moment. Engagement also helps the body flood with neurotransmitters and hormones that elevates our well-being. It also creates what is called “flow” that stretches into our intelligence, skills and emotional capabilities.
Relationships- Social connections and relationships are crucial to creating meaningful lives. We tend to feel safe and valued in social settings. We are not meant to be isolated from people, this creates our pain centres to become activated and can challenge us and our well-being.
Meaning- Finding out the answer to a question that has often come across our minds. “Why are we here on this earth?” this question is the key ingredient that can help us find fulfillment and purpose. Understanding the impact of your work and why we chose to be present, this will ultimately help us to become satisfied in our daily lives.
Accomplishment- Finding your goals and ambitions in life can help us to achieve greatness and create an overall sense of Accomplishment. By visualizing what your goals are, imagine what your goals is and take steps in that direction. We all deserve to feel a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, empowered once we have achieved our goals.